Acknowledgments in the XI Atalac Tecnicaña 2018 Congress

Cenicaña receives awards at the Atalac-Tecnicaña 2018 Congress.


  • Optimization of the application of the water resource in Ingenio Pichichí SA
    Julián Loboa García. (Pichichí wit).
  • Proposal for a methodology of distributed analysis of water needs for the cultivation of sugarcane in the Cauca Valley.
    Yobana Arias Arias (Mayagüez SA) and Jeannette Zambrano Nájera. (National university of Colombia).
  • Comparison of three subsoil arrangements for two-level tillage through the measurement of forces at the three-point hitch.
    Luis Arnoby Rodríguez Hurtado and Oscar Chaparro Anaya. (National University of Colombia, Palmira headquarters).
  • Use of a multispectral chamber for discrimination between nitrogen treatments in sugarcane.
    César Edwin García, David Montero and Mario Soto and Fernando Muñoz. (Cenicaña)


  • Automatic system for injection pumps with synchronous transfer
    Harold Home Saldarriaga and Jhon Jairo León González. (Incauca SAS)
  • Benefits of evaporation automation
    Jose David Tascón Vidarte, Juan Gabriel Rodriguez Sarasty and Nicolás Javier Gil. (Cenicaña).


  • The ten commandments to reduce sucrose losses in the sugarcane crop.
    Jesús E. Larrahondo (Santiago de Cali University and national and international consultant).



  • Alternatives for handling sugarcane crop residues in the development and metabolic activities of microbial populations of agricultural importance.
    Maria Laura Tortora, Lucrecia Ludueña, María Nuñez, Micaela Alderete, Juan Fernández de Ullivarri, Atina Criado, Eduardo Romero and Patricia Digonzelli. (Obispo Colombres Experimental Agroindustrial Station).


  • Dosage and application forms of zinc on sugarcane productivity.
    Gabriel Henrique Germino and Marcelo de Almeida Silva. (Paulista State University “Julio de Mesquita Filhoˮ).


  • Progress in the development of a methodology for the evaluation and early selection of sugarcane varieties (saccharum spp.) salt-tolerant by hydroponics conditions
    Manuel Alexánder Quintero, Fredy Antonio Salazar, Luis Orlando López, Carlos Alberto Viveros, Fredy Fernando Garces, Héctor Alberto Chica, Sandra Lorena Zapata, Miguel Ángel Cagüeñas, Yarley Ximena Granobles and John Esneider Escobar. (Cenicaña).
  • Productive behavior of the PVF03-115 Vvaiety for panela production in inter-Andean valleys of the Piura region, Peru
    Nelson Asdrúbal Ruesta Campoverde, José Arturo Távara Villegas and María Elena Neira Espejo. (Experimental Station Agraria Vista Florida of INIA-Peru).