Recognition of sugarcane diseases in Colombia

The health of sugarcane for the production of sugars, ethanol, panela and electricity is based on various aspects associated with the integral management of the crop, where diseases and pests are important factors.

In this methodological guide we offer a series of didactic tools arranged in two learning units that were designed to facilitate the recognition of the most frequent diseases of sugar cane in Colombia, their differentiation from other factors that cause similar symptoms in cultivation and the assessment of severity or incidence in the case of major diseases.

The contents are based on the specific competencies that are required in agricultural units for the comprehensive management of crop diseases.

Unit 1. Recognition of symptoms and signs of diseases and other factors that cause symptoms in sugarcane.

Unit 2. Severity and incidence evaluations of the main diseases
in Colombia.

We hope that by the end of the study of the guide, the participants will be competent in the recognition and evaluation of the sugar cane diseases of greater importance and prevalence in Colombia.

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Material produced within the framework of the Apprenticeship and Technical Assistance Program, PAT.

Bibliographic citation:
Ángel Sánchez, JC; Cadavid Ordóñez, M. and Ángel Calle, CA 2016. Recognition of diseases of sugar cane in Colombia. Methodological guide. Cenicaña. Cali, Colombia. 100 p. (Materials for technology transfer in the sugarcane agroindustry. Agricultural production system).

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Educational primer

Recognition of sugar cane diseases in Colombia.

The objective of this booklet is to facilitate the recognition of the most frequent sugarcane diseases in Colombia, by identifying symptoms and their differentiation from other factors causing similar symptoms in the crop.

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PAT - Apprenticeship and Technical Assistance Program