With the purpose of obtaining varieties with high sucrose content, high biomass production and disease resistance, different industries in the world have in their strategy genetic improvement and the selection of cane varieties. Cenicaña presents a summary of the census of varieties of the main sugar cane agribusinesses.
With the purpose of obtaining varieties with high sucrose content, high biomass production and disease resistance, different industries in the world have in their strategy genetic improvement and the selection of cane varieties. Cenicaña presents a summary of the census of varieties of the main sugar cane agribusinesses.
Junior Braga, RL do C…. Silva, VH (2017). Variety census IAC of Cana-de-açúcar na Região Centro-Sul do Brasil - Safra 2016 / 17. Technical Bulletin IAC (217) 1-40. Recovered March 20 from 2018. www.iac.sp.gov.br/publicacoes/porassunto/pdf/Boletim217.pdf
Guatemalan Research and Training Center of Sugar Cane. CENGICAÑA. (2017). Annual Report 2015-2016. Guatemala. 178 p. https://cengicana.org/publicaciones
Guatemalan Research and Training Center of Sugar Cane. CENGICAÑA. (2017). Memory. Presentation of research results. Zafra 2016-2017. Guatemala. p.43-54. https://cengicana.org/publicaciones
Interuniversity network for or development of the RIDESA sucroenergetic setor (2017). Brazil 2016-2017 varietal census. Recovered March 20 from 2018. https://www.ridesa.com.br/censo-varietal
Sugar Research Australia MRS. (2018). Variety guides. Recovered 20 from March from 2018. https://sugarresearch.com.au/growers-and-millers/varieties/
Uniao da Indústria de Cana de Açúcar. ONLY. (2016). Cultivated area with cana-de-açúcar. Recovered March 21 from 2018. http://www.unicadata.com.br/historico-de-area-ibge.php?idMn=33&tipoHistorico=5
Weelden, MV, Swanson, S. & R. Rice. (2017). Sugarcane variety census: Florida 2016. Sugar Journal. (July), 12-24.
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