


Integra program: after a more sustainable sugarcane cultivation

Cenicaña leads a sector initiative that accompanies growers and mills in their process towards more sustainable crop management practices

Nutrition alternatives with the planting and incorporation of green manures such as cowpea beans, which also contributes to the control of weeds, and connecting the natural ecosystems of the Cauca river valley through biological corridors are some of the practices that are promoted among growers. of sugarcane, on its way to a more sustainable sugarcane agribusiness.   

Behind the adoption of these practices is the Integra program, led by the Center for Research on Sugar Cane of Colombia, Cenicaña, for sugar mills and growers to strengthen their transition and improvement process towards sustainable management and production from three components: environmental, social and economic.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO, to be sustainable, agriculture must meet the needs of present and future generations for its products and services, while ensuring profitability, the health of the environment and social and economic equity.

According to Freddy Fernando Garcés, CEO of Cenicaña, “our challenge with the Integra program "is to promote the adoption of sustainable practices in all productive units of the sugarcane agribusiness, incorporating cane varieties and agronomic management technologies that are more resilient, better adapted and friendly to the environment."

A total of 218 farms, representing 25.755 hectares planted with sugar cane in the Cauca river valley, are today linked to the Program. They advance in the implementation of environmental practices such as biological corridors, integrated management strategies for weeds, pests and diseases; waste management plans and crop renewal plans, among others.

In addition to the adoption of environmental practices, this initiative from its social component promotes the development of plans to prevent or mitigate impacts on the community, support for community-based environmental projects, and training and updating in occupational health and safety. In the economic aspect, it promotes the design of investment plans and activities for five years of the business and the review and monitoring of the annual budget of each production unit, among others.

Through the Integra program, sugarcane growers and mills have tools such as the Sustainable Cane Guide, which allows them to accompany and monitor the adoption of sustainable practices.

Upon joining the Program, the growers begin a process of assessment and monitoring in which an initial diagnosis is made, an action plan is defined, and support is offered by a team of extension workers from Cenicaña. Additionally, it is supported by the preparation for certification in accordance with international regulations.

According to Sandra Alarcón Muriel, coordinator of the Integra Program, through this program, actions have been coordinated with the Autonomous Corporation of Valle del Cauca, CVC, for the productive reconversion of the soils in the wetlands of the area of ​​influence of Guadalajara, San Pedro , Sonso, Guabas and Sabaletas (Ramsar) and it is expected to continue joining efforts with environmental entities to expand the scope of the actions implemented in the sugarcane production units.


Cenicaña recognized on November 30 the efforts of 25 growers, agricultural companies and mills in the adoption of sustainable practices through the Integra Program

business namePerson in chargeEstate
Bernardo saavedraAlsacia
SAS BalsillaFernando Hoyos placeholder imagebalsilla
carlos alfonso escobarThe India
Felipe Mejia VillegasThe beauty
Japio Garces and SCA CompanyPhilip CoboStairs
Riopaila Castilla sugar millLeonard SalazarYurumito
Josephine Barona NietoHda El Trejo
Medium Shank SASStephen UribeHda The Middle
AlguimarGuido lopezHda Balsora
Agricultural Pichucho SASEduardo HolguínThe lake
San Luis Group SASJuan Manuel Posada placeholder imageThe triumph
Agricultural Productions Cavi SAoscar florezEl Cairo
Inversiones Cabal Barona & Cia SASAngela Maria CabalPitch width LB
Proterra S.A.Yuri peraltaManzanares River
Churimal SASMaria Clara MejiaThe Churimal Penalty
Carlos Hernando Azcarate TasconLorena
Procoa SASJaime OtoyaChambery 3
Tenorio Jaramillos SASDiego Tenorio - Isabella JaramilloHda Palestine
Guaduilla SASAna Maria PayerasThe lemon
Molina Duran SASCarlos Hernando MolinaThe Hatico
Mendiola SASAlvaro Franco Dukemendiola
Duran Castro and CIA SCA - Agroced SCsantiago duranThe Cedrito 2
Martha Isabel Lince CabalMonserrate
Sarasti and Cia SASRodrigo Sarastihda el saman
Caicedo Munoz S.A.S.Genaro CaicedoEl Corozo

Note: Document drawn up in San Antonio de los Caballeros, Florida, December 16, 2021.


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