


Professionals from the Jamundí Secretary of Agriculture are trained in cane production technologies for panela

Ceenicaña offered a training day that included theoretical talks - practices in varieties and agronomic management of the crop, to promote the adoption of more sustainable practices in crop management.

A group of 16 professionals from the Jamundí Secretary of Agriculture received training in sugarcane production technologies for panela during a visit to the Cenicaña experimental station.

During a whole day, the professionals who carry out extension work in the upper part of the Jamundí municipality and participate in a project to improve the productivity and infrastructure of panelero sugar mills, had the opportunity to strengthen their skills in managing sugar cane varieties. sugar and its diseases, control
Biological pest control, fertilization, weed management, among others. All this, with the accompaniment and guidance of researchers and professionals from the Research Center.

In this way, the Colombian sugarcane agroindustry articulates efforts with local governments to promote the adoption of more sustainable practices in crop management, which lead to improving the profitability of productive sectors in vulnerable areas of Valle del Cauca.


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