PAT will continue in November with training in irrigation with reduced flow

Until last September, Cenicaña had held training sessions for facilitators in: tools for specific agriculture by site, administrative control of irrigation and prioritized water balance.

On November 4, a new cycle of training of facilitators of the Learning and Technical Assistance Program (PAT) begins; Technology: irrigation with reduced flow. More than one hundred participants are expected, including technical assistants and zone chiefs, water management chiefs and research chiefs of the mills, for which Cenicaña has organized three days of two days each, which mainly consist of field practices.

With these activities, knowledge management about irrigation technology with reduced flow in agribusiness is strengthened and new learning tools are offered for PAT facilitators, who will be responsible for ensuring that the technical, administrative and operational personnel employed in the cane producing farms take advantage of technology, know its limitations and take advantage of its economic and environmental benefits.

Also in November, the first activity of the PAT in factory technologies is planned, which will be dedicated to the formation of competencies for the evaluation of the thermal efficiency of boilers in the mills of the sub-energy sector.

Activities in Cenicaña will continue in 2015 with the transfer of agricultural and industrial production technologies. So far in 2014, PAT facilitators have encouraged learning in AEPS (1005 participants), administrative control of irrigation (776 participants) and prioritized water balance (98 participants).

To support the training aimed at the end users of the technologies, the Research Center has arranged on the PAT website all the materials produced for this purpose and publishes the dates of the events organized by the mills, the review of the activities and statistics of participation in the program.

See more about the PAT:


Margarita Rodríguez Technical Communicator - Cenicaña (57-602) 5246611 ext 5168 - 5169 Cali, Colombia.

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