PAT: the new challenge is accompaniment

The Cenicaña Apprenticeship and Technical Assistance Program (PAT) monitors the level of adoption of the technologies disseminated through the training sessions.

Consolidated training

Data updated to June 30, 2016.


  • Cenicaña conducted 230 personal interviews with different types of growers who have been trained by the facilitators.
  • The interviews were carried out between October 2015 and May 2016 and only AEPS, CAR, BH, RCR and evaluation of Diatraea spp., which at the time of the interviews were the most widely used in training sessions.
  • A first follow-up analysis revealed that accompaniment is key to improving adoption.

The facilitators

“The people who attend the training recognize that the methodology allows them to learn because they can practice with technology; But when we follow up on the adoption, we find that there is a group of growers who implement technologies easily and another that, without ignoring the importance of them, says they have many reasons for not adopting it, such as not having staff, lack of water, or that the technology is hard. There we see that a greater effort must be made in accompaniment ”.

Alejandro Durán
Pichichí sugar mill

“There are technologies that are very well received: agronomic management with an AEPS approach was the best way to start PAT; disease recognition providers liked a lot; and Diatraea's evaluation has been widely adopted. For example, before the PAT we had around 36% of the supplier area with fly releases and today it is 80%. However, the more technical issues are not easy, since the cultivators need to have accompaniment after the training and reaching all of them is difficult ”.

Francisco Chaves
La Cabaña sugar mill

"In the mill we focus the training according to the type of provider: for water balance we invite growers with water problems or in handling borers we have emphasized those who have the highest incidence of the pest on their farms, and thus we have had very good response in adoption. To mention one case, in borers there has been a huge change, going from 20% of released area to 80%, thanks to the PAT ”.

gabriel arango
Riopaila Castile

“The providers liked the explanation and support they receive with the PAT, but we see that the adoption is not only in the hands of the provider but also in the butler. So the provider attends and is trained with the intention of adopting, but in technologies such as irrigation, we have had to go to the farm several times to reinforce training with the butlers and irrigation lines. ”

Manuel Gallego
Manuelita sugar mill


  • Before the end of 2016, the Cenicaña Training Center will be ready, which will have capacity for more than one hundred people and will have a demonstration area of ​​different technologies promoted by Cenicaña. The Center will be a support for the technology transfer activities carried out by the sector within the framework of the PAT.
Three-dimensional model.
  • The Research Center continues to extend facilitator training to private technical assistants, in order to reach more growers.
To consult

On the PAT website:
• Methodological guides and teaching materials. 
• Training program for facilitators.
• Follow-up of training for ingenuity and technology, among others.

Information letter
4 Year / 2 Number / July of 2016Full text in version:
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