Our work areas

Cenicaña promotes technological innovation in sugar cane mills and growers in the region, managing research and development projects in accordance with the strategic planning of the productive sector.

For this, Cenicaña has research programs, specialized and support services, Macroprojects, and infrastructures and laboratories.

Investigation programs

Varieties: Its mission is to obtain varieties that express their genetic potential in specific environments and that improve the productivity and profitability of commercial sugarcane plantations in the Cauca River valley.

Agronomy: Its mission is to improve the productivity, profitability and quality of sugar cane through the development of technology required for crop management, preserving natural resources.

Factory Processes: Its fundamental objective is to contribute to the economic profitability of manufacturing processes in the Colombian sugar sector following the principles of environmental sustainability and optimization of technology.

Specialized and support services

Technical Cooperation and Technology Transfer (SCTT): Its fundamental objective is to promote the adoption of technology and innovation in the Colombian sugarcane agroindustrial sector, with the participation of producers and researchers in the management of communication, training and knowledge transfer, with the in order to increase productivity and profitability in the productive units of mills and sugarcane suppliers.

Networks and SETI: Its objective is to define, facilitate and maintain a computer infrastructure aligned with the strategic objectives of the Center, under an efficient, high-level technological platform that guarantees system security. The internal organization is framed in the areas: Administration, operations, software development and networks and telecommunications.

Analytics: Its fundamental purpose is to contribute to the achievement of our clients' objectives, through a transformation of the way decisions are made.

Knowledge management: Its fundamental purpose is to generate value for Cenicaña through the implementation of a knowledge management model that supports business strategy and facilitates innovation processes.

Agroclimatology: Its fundamental purpose is to provide weather forecasts for agribusiness. 

Superintendence: It is the institutional unit responsible for managing the logistics of experimentation inside and outside the Center (personnel, machinery, equipment) and coordinating the design, construction and maintenance of the physical infrastructure of the experimental station.
