Paneleros de Nariño receive support from Cenicaña

Agrosavia leads the day of participatory selection of varieties with the technical support of the Research Center of the sugar sector

For some time the farms of Don Germán Guerrero, Baudilio David, Jesús Tovar and Efrén Barahona, located in the municipalities of El Tambo, Ancuya and Sandoná, in the department of Nariño, have become "small experimental centers."

Until there, on July 24, two professionals from Cenicaña arrived to see firsthand how sugar cane varieties behave in the production of panela CC 01-1940, CC 00-3257, CC 00-3771, CC 93 -744, CC 91-1606, CC 93-7510 and CC 99-2463

The crops of these farmers are part of four experiments to evaluate and select the varieties developed by Cenicaña, which best adapt to their territories and have higher productivity. The day was part of a participatory evaluation activity led by Agrosavia (formerly Corpoica) and in which growers will also be trained in recognition of diseases and pests. The activities will be held until July 27.

All this management is part of the project 'Strengthening the paneling sector through agricultural and agroindustrial research and innovation in the department of Nariño', funded by the General Royalty System, executed by the Nariño Governorate and operated by Agrosavia, an entity to which Cenicaña He delivers cane varieties and offers technical support.