Multiplication of varieties

Cenicaña provides the service of multiplication and propagation of sugarcane varieties for the establishment of healthy seedbeds, free of pathogens, through two variety multiplication systems: the conventional system and the system of plants from individual buds.

our benefits

This solution allows:

By accessing the variety multiplication and propagation service, you can obtain healthy plant material, free of pathogens. Requests from mills, donor growers and entities in agreement with Cenicaña are attended to.

To request the service:

At the time of requesting the service, please confirm the value.

Aspects to consider:

The seed and plants (with or without sowing) are delivered to the Cenicaña Experimental Station; therefore, transportation is borne by the applicant. In the case of choosing plants for mechanical sowing, the transport of the semi-automatic sowing machine is also borne by the applicant; In addition, the applicant must provide the tractor with driver.

The delivery times of the pathogen-free material depend on the seed multiplication system chosen:

  • Conventional system: 15 business days.
  • Plant system from individual buds: 90 business days.

Seed delivery time starts from the date of application.

Service value

  • The cost of the seed (pesos x ton) from the conventional system is calculated in accordance with a contract of 58 kg of sugar per ton of cane, valued at the weighted average price of sugar on the date of the service request.
  • The cost of the plant (pesos) from individual buds, according to the type of service, is as follows:
Type of serviceDonorsNon donors
Without sowing$439$631
With manual sowing$516$729
With mechanical sowing*$466$705

* The transport of the machine is paid by the applicant.

Price effective as of January 1, 2024.

Available varieties

Below are the varieties available for immediate delivery:

Of interest: sugarcane seed

The requirements to obtain high quality seed are the following: high genetic purity of the variety, free of pathogens, low or no incidence of Diatraea spp., coming from hot water treated seedbeds, first or second cut seedbeds, optimal cutting age between 7 and 9 months and disinfestation of cutting tools (machetes) with 2% Aviyodox or 2% Vanodine.

Title CTAasdfasdfasdfsdfasd

CTA Key Text asdfasdf
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Available varieties
Foliar tissue analysis
Soil analysis