Moments and milestones that marked a management

Recount of some of the most outstanding events for Cenicaña during the last 19 years, under the leadership of Dr. Álvaro Amaya Estévez.

2000. Dr. Álvaro Amaya Estévez assumes the General Direction of the Research Center to replace James H. Cock.

2001. As a strategy to promote technological adoption and bring research closer to growers, Technology Transfer Groups (GTT) were created with suppliers from Ingenio Risaralda.

2002. After concluding the third approach of agroecological zoning for the cultivation of sugarcane in the region, a fundamental basis for differential management of the crop and to improve productivity, the implementation of the Site Specific Agriculture (AEPS) project begins.

2003. Cenicaña advances in the molecular characterization of CC varieties, the development of transgenic plants with resistance to yellow leaf virus and the search for molecular markers associated with resistance to this disease. The Cenicaña website is also launched to support the implementation of AEPS and the detailed study of soils begins.

2005. As part of Cenicaña's commitment to the environmental requirements of the region, the PM10 Network for the sector is put into operation, essential for monitoring the particles present in the atmosphere due to the burning of sugar cane.

2007. Cenicaña begins to research on issues related to the production of ethanol and the CATE macroproject begins to improve the technological and logistical standards of the harvesting system.

2009. At the end of the year, 16 varieties of CC cane are registered in Colombia. Some varieties are registered in Ecuador and Peru.

2010. Cenicaña reaffirms its commitment to research in molecular technologies that support the sector with the entry into operation of the Biotechnology laboratory. Cenicaña completes the characterization of the boilers of various mills, which led to adjustments in operation and combustion quality. Also in the framework of the CATE macroproject, prototype low weight cane transport wagons are developed.

2011. The Technical Recommendations Guide with AEPS approach is published on the web

2012. The Physiology area is established.

2013. To reinforce the management of technological adoption, the Apprenticeship and Technical Assistance Program (PAT) is started. With Cenicaña bioinformatics tools, he identifies 6963 cane genes that are activated in conditions of water deficit or waterlogging. A hydrological monitoring project is also beginning to find out the impact of the conservation actions in the basins carried out by the Water for Life and Sustainability Fund.

2014. A new version of the Ceniprof program, a tool to improve the performance of factory operations, is officially delivered to the mills in the region.

2015. CC 01-1940 is positioned as a new varietal alternative to replace the traditional CC 85-92.

2016. The GNSS RTK network of the agro-industry comes into operation, which is operated and administered by Cenicaña.

2017. The Colombian Sugar Sector Training Center is inaugurated.

2018. Cenicaña forms two of the four alliances selected in the Scientific Colombia program, to improve the quality of higher education through research projects that respond to the needs of the productive sector. That same year Dr. Amaya is recognized as a Researcher Emeritus.

2019. Certification by the ICA of the phytosanitary diagnostic laboratory.

Dr. Álvaro Amaya as plant breeder of the Variety Program. To his left, the current head of the Technical Cooperation and Technology Transfer Service, SCTT, Fernando Villegas.

The outgoing General Director in company with members of the Board of Directors during the inauguration of the Biotechnology laboratory.

During his recognition as Emeritus Researcher, by Colciencias.


“It is an example for all generations to meet people with the ability to listen, to understand the members of a sector and to give almost a whole working life to a cause that seeks a common benefit, such as research. In these 37 years in Cenicaña, Dr. Álvaro Amaya has left a mark of responsibility, dedication, perseverance, collaboration, respect and adaptation to changes, which is of great value to all successors. ”
Guido Mauricio Lopez
Grower and member of the Board of Directors of Procaña

“There is no greater satisfaction in working life than being able to look back and, based on the results, say: mission accomplished. He managed to consolidate the Center as one of the best in sugarcane research worldwide, with results that are obvious. Not surprisingly, the Colombian sugar sector has its fields planted with varieties, the vast majority of which have been developed in Cenicaña, to name just one of the many programs that with wisdom and patience knew how to run. ”
Vicente Borrero Calero
Manager Ingenio Providencia SA

“For Tecnicaña, the contribution of Dr. Álvaro Amaya has been invaluable. On your part we always find support, accompaniment and willingness to carry out our training activities. Without a doubt, in our mission of technological updating and knowledge transfer to professionals in the sector, Cenicaña has been a fundamental pillar and the commitment of
its Director has been essential in this process ”.
Martha knight
Tecnicaña Executive Director

"Dr. Amaya has been present in the country's National Science, Technology and Innovation System, from Cenicaña and in various settings. For the Biotec Corporation it has been a great support, always creative and willing ”.
Myriam Sanchez
Biotec Corporation Director

"The leadership exercised by Dr. Álvaro Amaya as researcher and Director of Cenicaña stands out for the good judgment to act in common agreement with the agro-industrial sector of sugar cane, attending to their needs felt from the experience of the producers and the sector in general, also taking into account principles of productivity and conservation of natural resources ”.
Gabriel chain
Rector Autonomous University of Manizales

“His constant concern to participate in forums, seminars, meetings and field days and listen to partners, managers and officials of agro-industry companies, farmers and multiple institutions allowed him a broad knowledge of the sector, contribute to the use and adoption of technology and share with other agricultural sectors of the country the permanent support scheme of the sugarcane agribusiness for Cenicaña to grow and be a benchmark for permanent progress in the region and the country ”.
Nohra perez
Former administrative director of Cenicaña

“The work carried out by Dr. Álvaro Amaya is the result of combining his outstanding academic preparation, with the effort and dedication to the work he always did with great joy. Today Cenicaña is a world reference in the field of research in sugar cane. Its programs, developments and results are ratified every year and contribute very mainly so that the Colombian sugar sector holds the first place in terms of agricultural productivity in sugarcane globally. He leaves a consolidated Research Center, with great plans and a vision for the future and confident of continuing his rigorous work that will guarantee many more achievements ”.
Juan Jose Lülle
Member of the Board of Directors of Cenicaña

"From Procaña we highlight the professional career of Dr. Álvaro Amaya for his invaluable contributions to the cane agro-industrial sector for 37 years, time in which he contributed enormously to the sustainable development of the Cauca River Valley region. His kindness and human quality are aspects to highlight of a great man, who has undoubtedly left his mark on those of us who share his desire to contribute to continuous improvement.
of our sector ”.
Carlos Hernando Molina
Chairman of the Procaña Board of Directors.

“The work accomplished by Álvaro Amaya Estévez in good research and technological development in the Colombian agricultural sector is remarkable. Its clear goals and orientation led the country's sugarcane agribusiness to rank at the highest levels of productivity on the world scene. At Cenired we learned about the generosity with which he contributed his knowledge and his disinterested support to promote the development of the CENI, today leaders of research in the agricultural sector in the country; for this, we express our appreciation and gratitude. ”
Ivan Gutierrez
Cenired CEO

“As a researcher and Director, he showed great capacity and leadership, fundamental for the strengthening of agribusiness. He was always characterized by his commitment and responsibility and during his tenure he ensured that the Center was at the forefront of research and development of technologies; He was a visionary. Thank you Dr. Amaya for the great legacy you leave in our institution ”.
Carlos Alfonso Grandson
Agricultural practice of Cenicaña

Information Letter | JUL 2019: 6-7  PDF version 

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