Water table

The Mesa del Agua is an initiative of the sugarcane agribusiness sector that since the year 2010 has been advancing mills, cane suppliers, Asocaña and Cenicaña.

At the Mesa del Agua, actions aimed at the efficient and sustainable use of the water resource used in the field and factory are carried out and monitoring of water consumption indicators for irrigation, adoption of water balance in suppliers and technologies and infrastructure used in the management is carried out. of irrigation in direct management lands.

There are indicators of water consumption at source for all mills, with a unified calculation methodology. Water consumption goals at source for the years 2013 - 2015 based on criteria such as water requirements of plants, soil - climate relations and efficiencies of the irrigation systems used.

Work programs

  • Establish and conserve protective forest strips in rivers, lakes and lagoons that border cane crops - in conjunction with CVC.
  • Conserve hydrographic basins and develop water distribution plans - in conjunction with the Water for Life and Sustainability Fund - FAPVS and river user associations.
  • Train certified personnel as competent in the efficient use of water for irrigation and drainage management.
  • Establish an organizational structure for water resource management (Coordinated directly by Cenicaña).
  • Establish plans, goals and monitoring indicators on the use and quality of water in productive units of field and factory (Coordinated directly by Cenicaña).
  • Adopt the available technologies of water management and GTT Groups by agroecological zone and basin (Coordinated directly by Cenicaña).

Note: The professionals responsible for the issue in the mills send the information to Cenicaña expired month, within the first ten days of the following month through a format available on the Cenicaña website. Cenicaña is responsible for consolidating this information to be presented and analyzed in a group in a monthly meeting, in order to take the appropriate measures as appropriate.


  • Large-scale regulation or mitigation works were defined and prioritized.
  • The baseline of actual water consumption was established for the year 2010 in 1485 m3/ ha / gravity irrigation event in the direct management area.
  • A total of 104 million m was saved3 of gravity irrigation water in the direct management area, from its beginnings to the year 2014.
  • The annual goal proposed by the mills for the indicators of irrigation water consumption in their direct management lands was met.
  • An inventory was made of the irrigation infrastructure for the direct management lands and the sugarcane supplier areas.
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