Improving productivity is everyone's job

Advances in agribusiness productivity have been the result of integration around innovation.

In this way, today we have varieties of sugarcane that are better adapted to growing sites, information for their agronomic and sanitary management, strategies to facilitate technological adoption, and alternatives for making manufacturing processes more efficient and environmentally friendly. environment.

So why do tonnages and sucrose drop? The atypical and adverse climate of recent years largely explains this scenario; however, a better explanation can be found in the responses that growers and mills give to the following questions:

Are you aware of and adopting the new varieties and the Site Specific Agriculture (AEPS) approach? Is the planting of varieties carried out in accordance with the agroecological zoning? Is the supply of nitrogen and the implementation of irrigation systems made according to the characteristics of the soils and the results of the investigations? Are fields suitable to minimize compaction during harvest? Are the manufacturing processes adjusted to the quality of the sugar cane? ...

The results of the investigations and validations carried out by Cenicaña with the support of the entire sector demonstrate that any of the aforementioned aspects allow improvements in production and profitability; but the ideal is that its implementation is part of the day to day and not of moments of low production.

Improving productivity depends on technology, but whether it bears fruit depends on everyone.

The content of this edition of the Information letter Its purpose is to show the results of some of the research we carry out to continue improving the sector's productivity.

This is the occasion to share with our readers Colciencias' recognition of Dr. Jorge I. Victoria as Emeritus Researcher. This distinction is based on the selection of candidates linked to Colombian institutions and whose career, contributions and scientific production have been significant for the country's science, technology and innovation.

Álvaro Amaya Estevez
CEO, Cenicaña

Information letter 
Year 4 / Number 3 / December 2016Full text in version:
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