Massive assistance of growers to cycle of technical forums

Throughout the month of May Cenicaña held five meetings in different cities.

550 sugarcane growers from all over the Cauca river valley had the opportunity to update themselves on different cultivation topics during the cycle of technical forums organized by Cenicaña in May.

The forum program included talks on the agronomic management of the CC 01-1940 variety, the production of sucrose in the field and factory, and advances in the production of varieties, among others.

The forums took place on May 16 in Buga, for the suppliers of the Riopaila, Carmelita, Pichichí and Sancarlos mills; on May 24 in Pereira for the suppliers of the Risaralda mill; and on May 22, 29 and 31 at the Cenicaña Training Center for providers of the Providencia, Manuelita, Mayagüez, Castilla, María Luisa, Lucerna, Incauca and La Cabaña mills.

To consult

En The presentations of the talks offered during the 2018 Technical Forum are available for consultation: • El Niño, La Niña and the Climate in the Cauca River Valley 2018: evolution and forecast. • Production and conservation of sucrose. • Sucrose behavior during harvest and processing. • Cane agro-industry productivity 2017-2018. • Advances in variety production.

Information letter 
Year 6 / Number 1 / July 2018

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