Irrigation management in fields with crop residues

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No. 8 Enero

Irrigation is one of the most important tasks in sugarcane cultivation in the Cauca River Valley and the most expensive in the field process, accounting for between 30% and 50% of the total costs of sugarcane production. Irrigation is carried out in 95% of the cultivated area, just over 187 thousand hectares, and the furrow irrigation method is used in 80% of the irrigated area.
In Colombian conditions, high sugarcane production is achieved, and after the green harvest, large amounts of residues remain in the field. These residues must be managed efficiently so that cultivation practices, including irrigation, can be carried out in the largest percentage of the planted area.
The best option for waste management is chopping, a system that involves the use of machinery currently in the development and evaluation process. On a commercial scale, in green cane production, the most commonly used system is the 2x1 row (two clean rows followed by one with waste) in which the waste is arranged in the direction of the furrows using implements moved by machines or manually. In exceptional cases, when the amount of waste is very high, the row is arranged in a 2x2 row (two clean rows and two with waste).
In production with burnt cane, 4×1 and 5×1 rows are used.

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