Sugar cane ripeners. Manual of procedures and rules for its application

Technical Series Number 32, May 2003

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The sugar cane region of Colombia offers optimal conditions for sugar cane production. However, in some cases these same conditions do not allow the storage of sucrose in the stems in the quantities necessary to achieve high sugar production.

A possible alternative to achieve high productivity and competitiveness in the international sugar market is the use of ripeners in the crop. The application of ripeners in cane is a common practice in many sugarcane producing areas of the world, especially in the Cauca River Valley where soil and climate conditions allow for a good response.

Most ripening products act as growth regulators and, as a consequence of this primary effect, the saccharose content in the stems increases. It is possible that some also act on the enzymes that catalyse the accumulation of saccharose. In recent years, the ripening action of new products called biostimulants has been evaluated and, although the results of their application are not the same as those obtained with growth regulators, some biostimulants have shown a good response and are currently used in several sugar mills.

When applying ripening agents to sugar cane in Colombia, it is necessary to strictly follow the technical standards and procedures that regulate the application of agrochemicals in the country and to prevent any action to avoid damage to neighboring crops or the environment. The sugar industry acts with a commitment to responsibility, in accordance with current regulations.

This document establishes the steps to be followed for the correct application of ripeners with the aim of increasing the yield in kilograms of sugar per ton of harvested cane, and presents the existing standards for their use in cane cultivation.

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