Agribusiness expands its knowledge for the use of RAC

Professionals from the sugar mills and Cenicaña participated in a course offered within the framework of the Sena Asocaña agreement to improve the competitiveness of the sector.

In order to broaden the knowledge of the sugarcane agribusiness in the use of agricultural crop residues in the boilers of the factories, a course given by Jan Pels, researcher of the Energy Research Center of the Netherlands (ECN).

The course was attended by 23 people from 10 sugar mills and professionals from Cenicaña, who were satisfied by the shared experiences.

“The training was very interesting because we had the opportunity to open our minds and explore new alternatives for the use of biomass, which is not only as fuel. Now we can make a balance from the technical and experience point of view and share it at all levels of the company's staff to review the best options to explore, ”said Jose Luis Castillo, head of the steam generation department at the La Cabaña sugar mill.

For his part, Ducardo Molina, head of steam generation at the Providencia sugar mill, assured that the course “generated concerns and expectations regarding the biomass transformation cycle. It is necessary to bring this information to the ingenuity for decision making and to check whether it will be necessary to adjust the boilers, change them or we will have to continue investigating new technologies ”.

Jan Pels, a researcher at ECN, highlighted the potential of agribusiness and the level of understanding regarding the technologies, limitations and challenges facing the subject.