The agenda, Dec.2014

The next Congress of the Colombian Association of Sugar Cane Technicians (Tecnicaña) will be held in Cali between September 16 and 18, 2015; the pre-congress will take place on the 14th and 15th.

X Tecnicaña Congress

The next Congress of the Colombian Association of Sugar Cane Technicians (Tecnicaña) will be held in Cali between September 16 and 18, 2015; the pre-congress will take place on the 14th and 15th.

'Renewable energy, sustainability and the environment' is the message of the first bulletin issued by Tecnicaña, in which it announces the opening of the call for the reception of works. There will be plenary conferences, a commercial exhibition and four thematic rooms open simultaneously: field; harvest and transport; Industrial production; administration, management and environment, social responsibility and sustainability. Deadline for submission of papers: April 20, 2015.

Information letter
Year 2 / Number 2 / December 2014

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