Training in innovation

Research-based innovation is marking the economic progress of the productive sectors. Part of the success lies in focusing on the needs and adequately knowing the new technologies to use them in accordance with the recommendations and conditions for which they were developed.

In this sense, strengthening the training and updating of the technical personnel of the sugar mills is a necessity for which the sugarcane agribusiness accepted Cenicaña's proposal to build and launch a training center.

This Center has been operating since the beginning of 2017 with a permanent training agenda on field, harvest, factory, environment and energy issues for technicians, growers, supervisors and field and factory operators. We hope that the training program and the new knowledge generated from it will result in a better use of Site Specific Agriculture (AEPS) and in more efficient industrial processes, to obtain greater productivity, reduce costs and be more sustainable.

Regarding the new technologies and knowledge that allow the sector to be more innovative, this edition of the Information Letter presents the development of the antenna network for satellite addressing in precision agriculture, known as the GNSS RTK Network, which Cenicaña is implementing for the service of mills and cultivators.

Likewise, the Research Center will be the central node for capturing the data generated by the River User Associations in their respective basins. A way to incorporate new technologies to the conservation of the hydrographic basins of the region.

This number also includes information on the results of research carried out with the participation of sugar mills and growers on the incidence of spittlebug, Aeneolamia varies, in the field and the impact on production, and the structure of the "weed recognition manual" that Cenicaña is about to deliver to the agro-industry as a source of consultation.

Regarding the diversification of the agro-industry, the following are preliminary results on the investigations for the use of the residues of the sugarcane harvest as alternative sources of energy and to reduce CO emissions2, fundamental aspects to mitigate the effects of climate change.

It is clear that improving productivity and profitability depend on new technologies. But technologies alone are not enough. It is necessary to adopt them. In this sense, the Information Letter seeks to contribute to technology transfer from Cenicaña.

We hope that the information contained herein is of interest and utility to all our readers. I invite you to send your comments on the content, suggestions and ideas to continue promoting innovation in the cane agribusiness.

Álvaro Amaya Estevez
CEO, Cenicaña

Information letter 
Year 5 / Number 1 / August 2017Full text in version:
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