Sugar mills donate alcohol to prevent the spread of the coronavirus

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Donation is equivalent to 200.000 commercial bottles of alcohol that will be delivered to the Valley Government for distribution.

The sugar mills of Valle, Cauca and Risaralda announced a donation of 41.000 liters of alcohol to meet the needs of coronavirus control in hospitals and prison centers in vulnerable conditions in these departments.

The mills also reported that said donation, which will be effective tomorrow, will be received by the Government of Valle del Cauca, which will be in charge of distribution in accordance with the priorities determined in public health.

Mauricio Iragorri, president of the Asocaña Board of Directors, assured that this first donation is equivalent to more than 200.000 commercial bottles of alcohol, which will be used in health centers and department entities that require the product to serve citizens.

"We are convinced that together we will overcome this evil that is putting the health of Colombians at risk, as well as the social and economic stability of the country. We cannot be indifferent to this situation, so
which we have arranged among all the sugar mills, a first donation of alcohol ”, indicated Iragorri.

Claudia Calero, president in charge of Asocaña, celebrated the decision of the mills affiliated to the association: Carmelita, Incauca, La Cabaña, Manuelita, Maria Luisa, Mayagüez, Occidente, Pichichi, Providencia, Riopaila Castilla, Risaralda and San Carlos.

The Governor of the Valley, Clara Luz Roldán González, celebrated the decision of the sugar union and announced that the Ministry of Health will be in charge of defining the institutions to which it will be distributed. "This donation is a sample of the united and supportive work that is being done in the region to address the emergency caused by Covid-19," he said.

See here the Asocaña statement: Communiqué Asocaña -Gobernacion del Valle


Source: Laura Lucía Becerra Elejalde - The Republic. March 18, 2020 - 11:45 pm
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