Ingenio Risaralda obtained Recognition for Excellence in Environmental Management

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For taking on the challenge of applying best environmental practices as part of its business practice, the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Risaralda, CARDER, exalted 13 companies in the region with the Recognition of Excellence in Environmental Management of Risaralda, REGAR, in its seventh call.

The REGAR program recognizes manufacturing, commercial, agribusiness and service companies in both the public and private sectors, who demonstrate that they have worked in environmental management for at least the last two years.

One of the outstanding companies was the Ingenio Risaralda, know the valuable contribution made by this company in the reduction of waste, CO2, saving in water and energy consumption and how it has managed to maintain its competitiveness in harmony with the environment.

More strategies relevant

For Ingenio Risaralda the environmental component is very important, hence in each project and process they are attentive to the possible environmental impacts and with their identification they enter into their mitigation. The above is the reason for the results that Ingenio has reaped these years when receiving such important recognition.

“We have fuel and energy from a renewable source. We produce ethanol with one of the lowest carbon footprints in the industry, and all the energy we generate that connects to the national grid is from our cane bagasse, considered as an unconventional source of energy, whose use is being driven by the national government to have actions that contribute to the mitigation of climate change, ”said Luis Felipe Gaviria Giraldo, General Manager of Ingenio Risaralda.


To give a specific example, in 2020 the company has two items assigned directly for environmental issues: more than $ 18.000 million in investments in environmental impact mitigation issues, and a little more than $ 3.000 million in equipment maintenance expenses for the emission control In addition to other efforts and alliances that demonstrate the fulfillment of the commitment to environmental care, in the framework of achieving a production of sugar, ethanol and sustainable energy.

“It fills us with pride and above all with satisfaction to power through this award for environmental excellence, to tell our community and the country that in Ingenio Risaralda we make possible a production of sugar, energy, ethanol and compost in a sustainable way and with great commitment to the environment, ”said the General Manager.

Future projects

The company will incorporate technology to control the fuel consumed in the field and harvest operation and are improving the infrastructure of the cane crop irrigation systems, with the objective of reducing the consumption of m3 per hectare, minimizing driving losses and increasing efficiencies in the application of irrigation.

According to Carlos Humberto Blandón Saldaña, Administrative Financial Manager, the company has several important bets for the near future: “in 2020 we will deliver 4Mwh more renewable energy to the national network, within the framework of the energy efficiency project that allows us to produce more without increasing Alternate fuel consumption. Likewise, in this year, we will have concluded our improvement program on the company's dumping, where in addition to increasing their quality, the volume of water necessary for our process will be considerably reduced. ”

El Ingenio works with strategic allies such as CARDER-Risaralda, CVC-Valle and CORPOCALDAS-Caldas. Likewise, as a guild in Asocaña and ANDI, and CENICAÑA.

The Ingenio has been recognized for the seventh time, which shows a constant search and effort, in order to guarantee a continuous improvement in environmental management and performance.


