Cenicaña informs users of the automated meteorological network (RMA), that the station “Guacari”Presents his specific meteorological data, satellite positioning and connectivity, temporarily suspended.
Since the early hours of Monday, July 20, 2020, the Guacarí station suffered an impairment in its equipment that prevents its normal operation, mainly in the reading and transmission of data from the atmospheric variable wind, RTK real-time satellite signal correction (Real time kinematic) and remote sensing of soil moisture through the LoRa network (Long Range) with which the matric potential sensors operate in the cultivation of sugar cane in the Cauca river valley.
The users affected by the use of these services are located mainly in the area of influence of the Manuelita, Providencia and Pichichí mills.
Atmospheric variables precipitation, RH, solar radiation, temperature, temperature swing y evaporation, continue in operation.
The estimated date for reinstatement total services is the August 20th, 2020.
If you require additional information, do not hesitate to contact us:
Email: admin_web@cenicana.org
WhatsApp: 322 6746944