Specialized information, available to the region

The Information and Documentation Service of Sugar Cane, Seica, has different options for consulting documents on agribusiness.

Through the Information and Documentation Service of the Sugar Cane of Cenicaña, Seica, the region has the most complete database of specialized information in the country, which allows the scientific and technical strengthening of this agroindustry in Colombia.

Currently Seica offers a catalog of 38,000 records including documents, scientific journals, conference proceedings and events organized by the sugar industry unions from different regions of the world and articles in the sector that are a must for researchers, professionals and growers who need to be updated on the developments that occur around sugarcane and ethanol.

According to Adriana Arenas Calderón, Head of Seica, “none of the universities in the region has a specialized database as large as the one that Cenicaña has today and that is available to the entire sector through the library and services additional that Seica offers ”.

The Guillermo Ramos Núñez library, located in the Cenicaña Experimental Station, also offers service to the community in the area.

General services

  • Sending electronic documents in PDF file.
  • Internet access and consultation of books, documents and other materials from the library in the Reading Room.
  • Loan to the users of the libraries that are part of the High Speed ​​University Network, Ruav. The agreement brings together the libraries of the following institutions: Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Universidad Cooperativa, Universidad del Valle, Universidad Icesi, Universidad Libre, Universidad Nacional headquarters Palmira, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Universidad Santiago de Cali, Universidad de San Buenaventura, Universidad Central del Valle, Antonio José Camacho University Institution and Valle Regional Sena. Starting in August, users in Cali and Palmira will be able to make the loan at home.
  • Information consultation in full text on issues of plant health of sugar cane (pests and diseases).

Special services for users in the sugar sector *

  • Consultation through the web of complete documents from the cane, general and audiovisual collections of the library.
  • Access to CAB Abstracts, bibliographic database of world research on agriculture, forestry, environment, crop protection and biotechnology, among others.
  • Purchase of documents and publications in different formats.
(*) Natural or legal persons producing sugarcane donors to Cenicaña and institutions related to the sugar sector that have access codes to exclusive information services.


More information at www.cenicana.org/biblioteca or by phone (602) 5246611 ext. 5136.
Office hours: Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Information letter
Year 1 / Number 2 / August 2013

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