InCane: Bulletin No.12


Chapter 6. Smart Irrigation and Cultivation Recommendation System for Precision Agriculture Driven by IoT

Kumari, NMJ, Thirupathi Rao, N. & Bhattacharyya, D.

In: Machine Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, and IoT in Image Processing: Practical Applications 2023

Vegetation indices as a Tool for Mapping Sugarcane Management Zones

Cardoso de Oliveria Maia, F., Bufon VB & Paiva Leao, T.

Precision agriculture |24| 2023

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Application of strategic foresight tools for the fuel alcohol business in the Colombian sugar sector forecasting and strategic thinking

Uribe Osorio, DM, et al.

XII Congress of the Colombian Association of Sugar Cane Technicians. Memories. 2022

Biomass degradation: Challenges and strategies in extraction and fractionation of hemicellulose

Wan Azelee, NI, et al.

Fuel |339| May 2023

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Economic performance of biogas production and use from waste co-digestion in integrated 1G2G sugarcane biorefineries: Better electricity or biomethane?

Volpi, MP, Fuess, LT & Moraes, BS

Energy Conversion and management | February 2023

Energy integration in the Colombian sugar industry. Case study: Economy of steam in the sugar production process of the Risaralda sugar mill.

Piarpuzan, DF

XII Congress of the Association of Sugar Cane Technicians. Memories. 2022

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Modeling and simulation of juice clarifier using computational fluid dynamics for enhanced sugar quality

Unar, IN, et al.

Brazilian journal of chemical engineering | January 2023

How process modeling can improve process design: development of chromatography for biomass products.

Ozuna Sánchez, H., et al.

XII Congress of the Association of Sugar Cane Technicians. Memories. 2022

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Recognition of sugarcane orange and brown rust through leaf image processing

Simoes, IOPS, et al.

Smart agricultural technology |January 2023

Comparison of two release methods of Trichogramma exiguum (Hymenoptera : ) trichogrammatiade) for the control of Diatraea spp. in sugar cane

Montoya Navarro, DM, et al.

XII Congress of the Colombian Association of Sugar Cane Technicians. Memories. 2022

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Sugarcane: A Promising Source of Green Carbon in the Circular Bioeconomy

Karp, SG, et al.

Sugar Tech |2022

Sugarcane bagasse as an environmentally friendly composite material to face the sustainable development era

Kusuma, H.S., et al.

Biomass conversion and biorefinery |2023

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Photoperiodic Induction and Synchronization of Flowering in Sugarcane Hybrids for Breeding Programs

Vengavasi, K., et al.

Sugartech |25| 2023

Advances in sugarcane varietal development for the semi-dry areas of the Cauca river valley

Zapata Martínez, SL, et al.

XII Congress of the Colombian Association of Sugar Cane Technicians. Memories. 2022

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Preliminary Studies on Conversion of Sugarcane Bagasse into Sustainable Fibers for Apparel Textiles

Jalalah, M., et al.

Sustainability |14(24)| 2022

Potential of sugarcane bagasse in remediation of heavy metals: A review

Raj, V., Singh Chauhan, M & Lal Pal

Chemosphere|303| November 2022

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