Web tools - Hweb

Use of the tools available at www.cenicana.org to support decision-making in the management of sugarcane cultivation

Training in the web tools created by Cenicaña to support the practice of Specific Agriculture by Site (AEPS) in the cultivation of sugar cane in the Cauca river valley.


Overview of virtual training on HWeb

The virtual training modules HWeb they will be developed with the work methodology (OnLine Event + Individual Work of the Participant + Virtual evaluation + feedback information). You can check the scheduled events and register from www.cenicana.org/events.

The full content of the training HWeb is

  • M1. Geoportal: a support tool for the management of sugarcane cultivation (Apr 21, 2020)
  • M2. Meteoportal. Weather in the Cauca river valley (Apr 28, 2020)
  • M3. GRT. Technical Recommendations Guide (May 5, 2020)
  • M4. Other tools available at www.cenicana.org to support decision-making on the farm: BH, CAR, SEF, Verificar GH, Curvas Iso (May 12, 2020)



M1. Geoportal: a support tool for the management of sugarcane cultivation (Apr 21, 2020)

Introduction | Geoportal: a new way to use geospatial data

About Cenicaña:

Workshop 1. Geoportal

Before answering workshop 1, you must enter the geoportal (with the password provided by the facilitator in the OnLine event. Then download the workshop and answer the questions.

Virtual assessment

The link to the virtual assessment will appear on the stipulated date (coming soon)