Initiated training of facilitators in soil preparation

The training sessions are part of the Learning and Technical Assistance Program, PAT, for which the guidance of a Cenicaña researcher and the support of a methodological guide consisting of technical and didactic material are provided.

With a group of 35 people, between technical assistants and zone managers from ten sugar mills, a new training day for facilitators of the Learning and Technical Assistance Program, PAT began at the Cenicaña Experimental Station.

Preparation of soils for the sustainable production of sugarcane is the technology around which the training will be carried out, which includes practical sessions in the field and workshops led by researchers from Cenicaña and supported by a methodological guide that follows a management approach to knowledge and skills development.

As in the previous training sessions, three groups of sugar mill professionals were defined to participate in the training cycles. Each group consists of three days of activities that emphasize basic concepts of agricultural mechanization in order to guide tillage processes that contribute to soil conservation and improve production levels following the postulates of sustainability.

In these training cycles Cenicaña trains facilitators who will be responsible for training farm managers and stewards in different technologies.