
Network of automated rain gauges for the sugar cane agroindustry

our benefits

This solution allows:

Have detailed and accurate precipitation information in real time, through the integration of automated rain gauges connected to the sugarcane agroindustry IoT network. With drops the farmer can carry out adequate management of water resources, make correct decisions and contribute to the mitigation of climate change, at the same time contributing to social responsibility in the country.

Some benefits

  • Optimization of time and resources to schedule agricultural work in a timely and precise manner according to the particular meteorological conditions of your property.
  • Reduction of manual tasks and elimination of human errors in reading rainfall data.
  • Optimization in water use and confidence in the consistency and veracity of rainfall data.
  • Immediate access to rainfall data and weather alerts that allow preventive actions to be taken in a timely manner for the crop and the community.

With drops you can…

  • Support the making of timely and accurate decisions for the agronomic management of your crop that allows for greater efficiencies and contributes to the mitigation of climate change.
  • Provide detailed and accurate precipitation information in real time.
  • Know the intensity of the rain.
  • Trust the accuracy and consistency of the data provided
  • Carry out adequate management of water resources
  • Improve intersectoral relationships and create strategic alliances with public and private entities

Getting Started Guide: Automated Rain Gauge Network

You can make part of drops

Place your order online to be part of the Network of automated rain gauges for the sugar cane agroindustry
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What do I need today?

Available varieties
Foliar tissue analysis
Soil analysis