Fall in productivity: opportunity to take advantage of technological options

Agriculture in general has been affected by adverse climatic conditions in recent years, being more noticeable in annual or semi-permanent crops such as sugar cane, in which the number of harvests from planting exceeds, most of the times, the 7 or 8 years. This means that it is neither easy nor economical to renew frequently, as is normally the case with semi-annual crops.

Agriculture in general has been affected by adverse climatic conditions in recent years, being more noticeable in annual or semi-permanent crops such as sugar cane, in which the number of harvests from planting exceeds, most of the times, the 7 or 8 years. This means that it is neither easy nor economical to renew frequently, as is normally the case with semi-annual crops.

However, the lesser frequency in the renovation of the cane fields offers the opportunity for the cuts following an adverse climatic situation to benefit from favorable conditions during the entire crop cycle (all cuts), as long as give proper agronomic management.

The above highlights the importance of two aspects. First, the sowing of the varieties of best adaptation to the different environments with agronomic management in accordance with the results of the Cenicaña research and the successful experiences of innovative mills and growers. This is demonstrated by the production data in lots where the available technologies have been implemented.

Second, although production has been affected by the climate and the harvest age, the analysis should not focus only on what is obtained today and in the short term, but on productivity in the current total crop cycle compared to previous cycle.

This analysis has the advantage that it compares the productivity of the same farm or luck, subject to fluctuating weather conditions (Girl, Boy or normal condition) and leads us to determine the technologies that contribute to recovery from these conditions and those that had greater success, to adopt them.

Faced with falling productivity, the sector as a whole has the opportunity to take advantage of available technologies. This issue of the Information Letter is an invitation to take on this challenge. Cenicaña is attentive to accompany mills and growers and continues with the generation of more productive, profitable and sustainable technologies.

Álvaro Amaya Estevez
CEO, Cenicaña

Information letter
4 Year / 2 Number / July of 2016

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