Cane juice extraction process

Research is carried out on the operations for receiving adequacy and grinding of cane, evaluating the processes and equipment involved in these operations in search of improvement in operational, energy and economic performance. It works on the generation of strategies that mitigate the effects of the process batch of harvest and transport on the processes of continuous type used inside the factory.

Techniques for measuring the level of preparation of the cane by the chopper and shredder machines are applied. There is instrumentation for physical variables to analyze the static and dynamic structural performance of this type of rotational-dynamic machines. It supports the transversal project CATE (Cut, Moose, Transport and Delivery of the cane), with the objective of proposing technological and operational alternatives that improve the performance of these processes.

In the process of extraction by milling projects are developed aimed at improving the extraction of juice from the cane. The program has a mobile equipment for preparing samples of cane and bagasse, called "Mobile Laboratory", which allows to determine the tandem extraction curve and the performance of each of the milling units. There are computational applications (CENIMOL®) for the determination of the appropriate settings of each mill and prediction of the loads consumed. Energy consumption data can be corroborated in the field through the registration of variables such as torque and RPM. We work on operations control strategies in order to reduce the variability in performance indicators such as: extraction efficiency and bagasse moisture.

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