Existing inter-institutional cooperation agreements and agreements


International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Colombia. June. Agreement for the use of CIAT lots to plant Cenicaña trials and experiments.


Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA). Colombia. November. Agreement to receive support from ICA for introduction, quarantine and export of sugarcane varieties. Cenicaña will provide the services of diagnosis of diseases and pests in samples sent by the Institute, coming from paneled areas of the country.


Universidad del Valle. Colombia. February. Framework agreement between the Universidad del Valle, Cenicaña and Asocaña to provide cooperation in the fields of teaching and research.


Caldas University. Colombia. March. Agreement of internships and academic internships.

Catholic University of Manizales. Colombia. May. Agreement of internships and academic internships.

Industrial University of Santander (UIS). Colombia. October. Agreement to combine technical efforts to strengthen research capacity, technological development and the performance of specialized technical services.


Universidad del Valle. Colombia. June. Agreement between the International Center for Training and Medical Research (Cideim), the Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research (Corpoica), CIAT, the Universidad del Valle and Cenicaña to strengthen the academic and research developments of the participating entities and promote the exchange of researchers.


Agroindustrial Laredo SAA. Peru. September. License agreement and royalty payment for the use of CC 85-92 and CC 87-434 varieties.

Sociedad Agrícola e Industrial San Carlos SA. Ecuador. September. License agreement and royalty payment for use of the CC variety 85-92

ICESI University. Colombia. October. Inter-institutional agreement for technical, academic and research cooperation.

National Chamber of the Sugar and Alcohol Industries (CNIAA). Mexico, October. Specific technical and financial cooperation agreement for the development of crossings of sugarcane varieties.


Compañía Azucarera La Estrella, SA. Panama. May. License agreement and payment of royalties for the use of varieties.

University of Pamplona. Colombia. July. Agreement of internships and academic internships.

Organization Pajonales SA. Colombia. August. Agreement for research and planting varieties.

University of Cordoba. Colombia. September. Contract of service.

Corporate. Colombia. October. Framework agreement for technical and scientific cooperation.


Compañía Azucarera Valdez SA. Ecuador. March. License agreement and payment of royalties for the use of varieties.

University of the West. Colombia. April. Agreement of internships and academic internships.

Agrícola del Chirá SA. Peru. November. License agreement and payment of royalties for the use of varieties.

Agrifuels de Colombia SA. Colombia. December. License agreement and payment of royalties for the use of varieties.


President Wit Benito Juárez. Mexico. January. License agreement to sow sugarcane varieties as proof of cultivation of varieties.

Bioenergy SA. Colombia. March. License agreement and payment of royalties for the use of varieties.

Corporate. July. License agreement to plant cane varieties as cultivation tests.

Cengical. Guatemala. September. Plant material exchange contract

San Antonio Sugar Mill. Nicaragua. September. Cultivation test contract.


Sugar Research Center of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GXAAS). China. March. Cooperation agreement for plasma germ exchange, varietal development, training programs and general information on sugarcane.

fedepanela. Colombia. December. Contract for the supply of plant material for the propagation of varieties in the Cundinamarca area.

Salmon. Peru. September. License and royalty payment contracts No. 01-09-09 and cultivation test No. 005-2010.

Inciva. Colombia. June. Lease contract for the open quarantine station lot No. 13-2010.

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Palmira section. Colombia. August. Framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation.


Regional Autonomous Corporation of Valle del Cauca (CVC). Colombia. October. Association Agreement for the Measurement of air quality.

University of Antioquia. Colombia. October. Agreement of internships and academic internships No. MIA 002-2011.


University of Los Andes. Colombia. January. Agreement of internships and academic internships.

Francisco de Paula University Santander. Colombia. May. Agreement of internships and academic internships.

Fundaciat, Ingenio Providencia and Cenicaña. Colombia. December. Agreement for the validation of technology in sugarcane.


CIAT. Colombia. February. Cooperation agreement on the application of methodologies to improve the protocol of genetic transformation of sugarcane using agrobacterium tumefaciens.

Association of Sugarcane Growers of Colombia (Asocaña), CVC and Cenicaña. Colombia. April. Agreement in development of the project “Construction of the conceptual model for the restoration of the conservation and sustainable use corridor of the Cauca river system in its high valley, under climate change scenarios”.

Assocaña. Colombia. April. Cooperation agreement through which Cenicaña implements, manages, operates and maintains the PM10 Automated Particulate Material Monitoring Network.

ICESI University. Colombia. July. Cooperation agreement for the joint promotion of projects and realization of the purposes that are common and of interest in the academic, research, extension, community, cultural, environmental, scientific and technological fields.

Sucroal SA. Colombia. September. Agreement for the deposit of biological material by Sucroal in the Biotechnology Laboratory of Cenicaña.

Verion. Colombia. September. Framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation for the continuous improvement of the production systems of sugarcane.

Asocaña, Pontifical Bolivarian University (UPB) and Cenicaña. Colombia. October. Accompaniment in the special certification process (RAC 26) for Quicksilver GT-500-ASS light aircraft

Corporate. Colombia. November. Letter of understanding on delivery of plant material from Cenicaña to Corpoica for the development of adaptive research to produce sugarcane cane.


Universidad del Valle. Colombia. March. Technical, academic and research cooperation agreement.

National University, Palmira headquarters. Colombia. April. Framework agreement for scientific and technological cooperation.

CIAT, Ingenio Providencia and Cenicaña. Colombia. April. Research and validation of technology in sugarcane.

Cavelier Lawyers. Colombia. Confidentiality and business secret agreement.


Ingenio Pichichí SA. Colombia. January. Contract for the delivery of a lot of the Hacienda La Esmeralda for the installation of the open sugarcane quarantine station.

Universidad del Valle. Colombia. March. Agreement of internships and professional internships for students of Bacteriology and laboratory. Other No. 1 to the June 12 agreement of 2015.

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Asocaña and Cenicaña. Colombia. March. Contract for the provision of services to develop phase III of the research project in the Special Airworthiness Certification process in Light Category (ultralight). Geosystem Ingeniería SAS Colombia. April. Collaboration agreement for the custody delivery to Cenicaña of the CORS continuous operation reference station equipment.

International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Colombia. May. C-057-15 derivative agreement, under the technical and scientific cooperation framework agreement No. 20150291 concluded between the Ministry of Agriculture of Rural Development (MADR) and CIAT.

Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (CATAS). China. May. Cooperation agreement in science and technology.

The Nature Conservancy (TNC). Colombia. June. Cooperation Agreement with the aim of supporting the Water for Life and Sustainability Fund (FAVPS) in the development of research on the impact of the conservation and restoration of the Agua Clara River sub-basin and in particular on sediment concentrations in Water for irrigation.

Comfacauca University Corporation (UNICOMFACAUCA). Colombia. September. Agreement of internships and academic internships.

FEDEPANELA. Colombia. December. Supply purchase contract No. 140 / 2015 for the supply of 78.640 seedlings of Cenicaña Colombia varieties.
