- This event has passed.
IV Maturation Committee 2023.
November 23, 2023 | 7:30 am - 12:30 pm
During the event we will talk about:
Know the results of the participatory research work Ingenios – Cenicaña.
Order of the day:
- Quorum verification.
- Reading and approval of the previous minutes – Anyerson Naranjo, President of the committee. 5 min. .
- Welcome – Julián Mateus, Director of the agronomy program – Cenicaña. 15 min. .
- Management of induced ripening in Guatemala and perspectives for its use in environmental conditions of the El Niño phenomenon – Gerardo Espinoza, Cengicaña. 60 min.
- Source-demand relationship and its control over the accumulation of sucrose in sugar cane – Mauricio Quevedo, Cenicaña. 60 min. .
- Snack.. – 20 min. .
- Network of ripening experiments (REMA) – Felipe Sandoval, Cenicaña. 10 minutes.
- Poster presentation session 1 – 60 min.
- Poster presentation session 2 – 60 min.
- Conversation: Lessons learned from the use of ripening agents in sugar cove. 20 min.
- Committee comments and proposals.
- Place and date of the next committee.
Who is it for:
- commercial houses
- Ingenuities and cultivators.
- training is Delivery to Italy takes one or two business days, with quota limited, which must be reserved by previously registering online.
- Make your registration online through the registration form. available on this page (Register now).
- You will receive a confirmation email in which you will obtain a ticket with the (unit’s QR code) that endorses your registration.
- Present the ticket (QR code) on the day of the training to register your attendance. It can be carried printed or on the mobile.