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Concaña connects 2024: MY, CC, ML, CA mills.

16 April 2024 | 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Florida, Valle del Cauca Colombia
+57 322 6746944 – WhatsApp

During the event, we will talk about:

  • Socialization of the new image of Cenicaña and Annual Report 2023
  • Advances in Varieties
  • Advances in Agronomy
  • Advances in Factory Processes
  • New technology launch

Who is it for:

To the Mayagüez, Castilla, María Luisa and Cauca sugar mills.

  • Mill technicians
  • sugar cane growers


Freddy Fernando Garces

CEO Cenicaña

Agronomist and doctor in phytopathology and crop physiology. In 1996, he joined Cenicaña as a young researcher at Colciencias and later as a phytopathologist. Then he worked for several years at the Ecuadorian Sugarcane Research Center (Cincae) and in 2016 he joined Cenicaña again as a phytopathologist, a position he held until 2018, when he was appointed director of the variety program. , currently and for 3 years he has been our general director.

Nicolas Gil

Factory Processes Program Director

Chemical engineer from the Industrial University of Santander and doctor in engineering sciences from the Louisiana State University, United States. 27 years ago he joined Cenicaña as a researcher and since 2011 he has served as director of the Factory Processes Program.

John Jaime Riascos

Variety Program Director

He is a biologist from the Universidad del Valle. He has a doctorate in genetic improvement and molecular biology from the Faculty of Agronomy at the University of North Carolina in the United States. For a year he worked as a researcher at Duke University, United States and 12 years ago he joined Cenicaña as a researcher in the area of ​​Biotechnology and later as leader of the same area. He is currently the director of the Variety Program.

Julián Fernando Mateus

Agronomy Program Director

He is an agricultural engineer from the National University. MSc. in agricultural production from the La Molina National Agrarian University in Peru and a Doctor in Crop Sciences from Reading University, Berkshire in the United Kingdom. He worked for several years as a researcher at Agrosavia and more than a year ago he joined Cenicaña as director of the Agronomy Program.

Jaime Hernán Caicedo

Head of Information Technology Service

Systems engineer from the Universidad del Valle. Master's degree in computer management and telecommunications with an emphasis on IT from ICESI University. He has been at Cenicaña for more than 22 years and is currently head of SETI and coordinator of the Agroindustry 4.0 macroproject.


16 April 2024
8: 00 am - 12: 00 pm
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