Last Past Events

Integra | Together towards a more sustainable agroindustry

Digital games km 26 Cali-Florida road. Experimental Station, Cali

During the event, we will talk about: Who is it for: Speakers: Freddy Garcés Obando General Manager. Cenicaña. Sandra Alarcón Coordinator of the Integra Program. Cenicaña. Deissy Martínez Baron Regional Leader of Climate Action. Bioversity International & CIAT Alliance. Jenny Melo. PhD in rural sociology. Delta Footprint - Collective Impact.


Integra | Technical tour: Behavior of phreatic and piezometric levels

During the event, we will talk about: Water table monitoring. Field monitoring options. We will do field practice to install observation wells. Who is it for: Speakers: Edgar Hincapié Soil and water researcher in the agronomy program – Cenicaña. Agricultural Engineer, Doctor in Agricultural Sciences from the National University of Colombia. Experience in Agricultural Research, […]


Integra | Sustainable fair: efficient use of water resources

During the event, we will discuss: Efficient use of water resources involves applying practices that optimize water consumption and guarantee its future availability. Who is it aimed at: Speakers: Nathalia González Technology transfer from Cenicaña. Agricultural engineer.
