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51st Congress of the Colombian Society of Entomology (Socolen)

10 July 2024 | 8:00 am - 12 July 2024 | 12:00 pm


At this congress we will have 14 national and international keynote conferences, and 15 symposiums, workshops on topics of national importance, oral presentations, posters, pre-congress courses and other associated events, framed by our motto, “Women inspiring change: Entomology, sustainability and diversity.

​The Colombian Congress of the Colombian Society of Entomology (Socolen) allows each year to collect research advances in 1. Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation, 2. Medical, Veterinary and Forensic Entomology, 3. Integrated Pest Management / Biological Control and 4. . Taxonomy, Systematics and Evolution.

Cenicaña will share its advances in research in entomology and biodiversity, seeking to make sugarcane cultivation management increasingly more sustainable.

We look forward to seeing you, and welcome from now on!


  • Colombian Society of Entomology
  • Santiago de Cali University
  • Cenicaña
  • Alliance Biodiversity & CIAT
  • Agrosavia
  • Universidad del Valle
  • National University of Colombia
  • Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA)
  • Seize

Who is it for:

  • Mill technicians
  • sugar cane growers
  • Private technical assistants
  • Universities
  • Environmental entities
  • Farmers from other sectors


Angela Arcila, Ph.D

Researcher and Innovation Manager of the fruit tree network, AGROSAVIA

Landscape ecology and patterns of abundance and diversity in insects

Carlos A. Blanco, Ph.D.

Senior Entomologist, US Department of Agriculture, Adjunct Associate Professor, University of New Mexico, Editor Southwestern Entomologist

This should be considered in the risk analysis of transgenic corn

Carolina Camargo, Ph.D.

Lead Researcher of the Entomology area, Cenicaña

Women who inspire change from entomology

Christian Nansen, Ph.D.

Professor at UC Davis & Founder of Spectral Analytix Inc

Drone-based optical sensing – some thoughts and perspectives

Francisco Armendáriz Toledano, Ph.D.

Full-time researcher, National Insect Collection, Institute of Biology, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Bark beetles (Curculionidae: Scolytinae), promoters of diversity and opportunities for multi- and trans-discipline

Fernando Montealegre-Z, B/Ms, PGCE, Ph.D.

Professor of Sensory Biology University of Lincoln, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Joseph Banks Laboratories

Biophysics and biomechanics of acoustic communication (singing and hearing) in Orthoptera: Ensifera

Ivette Perfecto, Ph.D.

School for Environment and Sustainability, The University of Michigan

Non-native ants in the coffee plantations of Puerto Rico and their role in pest control

Lumey Pérez Artilez, Ph.D.

AGROSAVIA Researcher

Mathematical models as a tool for decision-making in the management of agricultural pests. Case study: HLB pathosystem – Diaphorina citri

Margarita Maria Lozano Tenorio

Biologist – Entomologist, Lawyer, Specialist and Master in Criminalistics and Forensic Sciences

Experiences of a forensic entomologist from the CTI and its impact on the Colombian judicial investigation

Paola Sotelo, Ph.D.

Oregon State University (Corvallis, Oregon), IPM educator Oregon IPM Center

Science with meaning: Connecting agricultural innovation and technology adoption through integrated pest management (IPM) educational programs

Rafael Achury, Ph.D.

Chair for Terrestrial Ecology, Department for Life Science Systems, School of Life Sciences, Technical University of Munich

Monitoring and experiments to understand the causes of insect decline

Sabrina Amador Vargas, Ph.D.

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Ancón, Balboa, Panama

Behavioral ecology in acacia ants

Catalina Alfonso Parra, Ph. D.

Colombian Institute of Tropical Medicine

Mosquito reproduction as a target for vector control: From basic to applied biology

Edison Torrado, Ph.D.

General Director/Founder Instituto Entoma

The dissemination of entomology