Evaluation of the thermal efficiency of boilers in mills in the Colombian sugar-energy sector

The boiler is a component of the energy scheme of a mill and its function is
take advantage of the chemical energy of the bagasse and transform it into thermal energy of steam. The bagasse resulting from the process of obtaining sugar is the main fuel of the boiler, therefore, it is important to maintain an efficient operation and guarantee an adequate balance in the energy scheme of the mill.

In the first unit of this guide the main components of a boiler are described and the issue of combustion is covered; in the second, the main standards and methodologies for evaluating the thermal efficiency of boilers are described; Successful cases are presented in which efficiency has been increased; In the third and fourth units, the main control strategies applicable to typical boilers in sugar mills are described, and the relationship of the thermal efficiency of the boiler with the cogeneration scheme in a sucro-energy mill is discussed.

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Material produced within the framework of the Apprenticeship and Technical Assistance Program, PAT.

Bibliographic citation:
Cobo B., DF; Lucuara M., JE; Gomez P., AL; Gil Z., NJ 2014. Evaluation of the thermal efficiency of boilers in sugar mills in the Colombian sugar-energy sector. Cenicaña. Cali, Colombia. 112 p. (Materials for technology transfer in the sugar cane agroindustry. Industrial production system).

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