Entomopathogenic nematodes: an option for pest control in agriculture

A workshop on the use of these organisms in different crops was held at the Experimental Station of Cenicaña.

The use of entomopathogenic nematodes as an alternative for pest control in agriculture was the main objective of the workshop organized by Cenicaña and the company Productos Biológicos Perkins from Valle del Cauca, on July 28 and 29.

The workshop was held as part of a cooperative research project between the two entities under the auspices of Colciencias, to improve the production processes of biological controllers for sugarcane pests.

Entomopathogenic nematodes are organisms that measure less than 1 mm, which are generally found in the soil, where they infect pest insects such as mosquitoes, locusts and chisas, among others. Precisely, being natural inhabitants of the soil makes them an option for the control of spittlebug in sugarcane, since there the nymphs of this pest protect themselves from other controllers.

The event was attended by representatives of Corpoica and the National, del Valle, Javeriana and Caldas universities, mills and private entities.

In the workshop, emphasis was placed on research and experiments carried out in crops such as spinach, broccoli and guava, among others, where pests of economic importance have been controlled with two or three applications of nematodes.

Likewise, studies were presented on the production of entomopathogenic nematodes in artificial media, which would allow them to expand their availability for use in sugar cane.

Regarding this crop, Cenicaña presented advances in the research carried out for the integral management of spittlebug Aeneolamia varies.

Recognition in Entomology

The Cenicaña Entomology area obtained third place in the Hernán Alcaráz Viecco National Entomology Contest for the work 'Distribution and Management Perspectives of Diatraea tabernella in sugar cane in the Cauca river valley' which was presented at the 40th Congress of Socolen.

This work was carried out by Gerson Ramírez, Germán Vargas, Luz Adriana Lastra, Amanda Villegas and Álvaro Urresti.

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