Colciencias Director visited Cenicaña

On June 13, the official made a tour of the Experimental Station and learned about the management of the Research Center for the sugarcane agro-industry.

The director of Colciencias, Yaneth Giha Tovar, visited the Cenicaña facilities on Saturday June 13 with the purpose of learning about the institution's work and its contributions in innovation and technology to the agro-industry of sugar cane in Colombia.

"Part of our role at Colciencias is to understand the potential of our country and all research centers contribute to the productivity of different sectors and that the development of the field is more effective and efficient. Colombia has incredible agriculture and an institution like Cenicaña is of great contribution. It is a pleasure to make this visit and realize where the great challenges and great opportunities are in Colombia, ”said the Director of Colciencias during her visit.

Mrs. Tovar met with the directors of the Center, who explained the research that is carried out through different programs, what are the main achievements and products that mills and cultivators benefit from, and the financing structure of the institution.

The visit of the Director of Colciencias to Cenicaña was part of a tour that is being carried out by different research centers throughout the country.

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