Memories of the committee
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Presentation Exhibitor:
Stripes of natural vegetation: refuge for birds and ants in the sugarcane landscape, in the Cauca river valley.
Kimberly Navarro Vélez - Biologist, Universidad del Valle
Advances in the biology of Diatraea and tachyinid parasitism at the laboratory level
Yolanda Gutiérrez, Entomology
- Incauca and Ingenio Providencia
Cotesia flavipes vs Lydella minense
Germán Andrés Vargas, Entomologist - Cenicaña
Fumigants for the control of Diatraea spp
Germán Andrés Vargas, Entomologist - Cenicaña
Geoplagas: Distribution in time and space of Diatraea spp.
Samy Leyton
Technical tour Brazil: Management of cane borers, Telchin licus and Diatraea spp
Germán Andrés Vargas, Entomologist - Cenicaña
Plant health committee meeting. Minutes 2016-21
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