Memories of the committee
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Presentation Exhibitor:
Child-Girl Conditions, Cauca River Valley Climate: Evolution for the first semester 2016, Forecasts and Prediction for the second semester 7, first semester 2016
Enrique Cortés, Meteorologist - Cenicaña
Productivity first semester and projections second semester 2016
Héctos Chica, Biometrist - Cenicaña
Projection of the Nutrition and Fertilization area
Fernando Muñoz, Edaphologist - Cenicaña
Technical tour Brazil: short, medium and long term perspectives for the management of borers
Germán Andrés Vargas, Entomologist - Cenicaña
Factors that affect sucrose production
Fernando Villegas, Agricultural Mechanization Engineer - Cenicaña
Regional test Series 2016-7 for the semi-dry areas of the Rio Cauca valley
Fredy Salazar, Plant Breeder - Cenicaña
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