Use of ripeners in sugar cane
Sandoval Pineda, JF; Villegas Trujillo, F. | NOV 2023 | ISBN 978-958-8449-29-6
Sugarcane in the Cauca River Valley grows in different climatic and management conditions that directly affect the maturation of the crop. In this sense, abundant rainfall and high night temperatures, as well as excess nitrogen fertilization and late irrigation, promote increases in the growth and respiration rates of the plant in the maturation stage. These unfavorable factors for natural ripening reduce the potential amount of sucrose that could be stored in the internodes (Unigarro & Villegas, 2020).
Since it is not possible to always ensure ideal conditions for ripening, since these depend on the spatial and temporal variability of the area where the crops are located, it is necessary to use ripening products in order to reduce respiratory expenditure, regulate growth. of the plant and promote the translocation of carbohydrates to the internodes. Therefore, an ideal sugarcane ripener would be one that improves sucrose content quickly, consistently and economically, without damaging the crop, its next cycle or neighboring crops, in addition to having low toxicity for mammals. and a short environmental half-life (Moore & Botha, 2015).
Below, the evolution of the use of ripeners in sugarcane is summarized and different technical aspects are explained such as variety, type of ingredient, dose, discharge volume and the time elapsed between application and harvest, which They affect the amount of additional sucrose that can be recovered at the time of cutting. With this, this document seeks to provide tools to make decisions with technical criteria that allow maximizing sugar production in the environmental conditions of the Cauca River valley.
About the authors
Sandoval Pineda, J.F.
Agronomist and master's degree in crop physiology from the National University of Colombia, Bogotá headquarters. Jhon Felipe carries out his work at Cenicaña as coordinator of the Phytotechnics area, researching innovative and sustainable strategies for the management of induced ripening in sugarcane along the Cauca River valley.
Villegas Trujillo, F.
Agricultural engineer of the agreement between the Universidad del Valle and the National University of Colombia (Palmira Campus). He has a Master's Degree in Soil and Water from the National University of Colombia. He joined Cenicaña in 1984, to the Agronomy Program, where he conducted research in the areas of water management, cultural practices, agricultural mechanization and sugarcane maturation. In this last area, he worked on projects with emphasis on ripening evaluation, improving the sucrose content of new varieties and studying the factors that affect the productivity of sugarcane cultivation in the Cauca River valley. . Since June 2018, he has served as head of the Cenicaña Technical Cooperation and Technology Transfer Service.
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- Sugar cane. 2. Maturation. 3. Agricultural chemicals.
Sandoval Pineda, JF & Villegas Trujillo, F. (2023). Use of ripeners in sugar cane. In: Colombian Sugarcane Research Center (Ed). Sugar cane agroindustry in Colombia. Cinderella