Surface air flow in the Cauca river valley
Preciado Vargas, M.; Peña Quiñónez, AJ | JAN 2024 | ISBN 978-958-8449-34-0
The wind is air in movement; Therefore, when talking about this phenomenon,
refers to the horizontal movement of air. At the surface, the air tends to
flow from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. The trade winds
They are a clear example of this. The trade winds flow from the high systems
mid-latitude pressure in the north and south towards the quasi-constant system of
low equatorial pressure. Another example of this is the circulation cells in
the coastlines, in which the difference in thermal properties between the ocean
and the continent generates sea-land breezes during the day and land-sea breezes at night, like
response to changes in temperature and pressure at the surface.
Among the factors that influence agriculture, wind has been considered
only for its role as input in the equation to generate evapotranspiration values (e.g., Allen, 1998) and to establish risk zones due to the effect
mechanics of the wind on cultivated plants, agricultural infrastructure and the
soil (wind erosion). In such situations the vector nature is left aside
of this variable and it is preferred to consider it as a scalar, that is, as a value of
airflow speed, or maximum gust in some cases. Therefore,
for agronomists, and in general for production biologists and even
For agricultural engineers, the concept of a wind field is not common,
widely used by environmental engineers.
The wind field is nothing other than the spatial pattern of the wind, i.e.
the prevailing wind direction and speed in a locality or region
at one point. The results reported here correspond to the
analysis, on different time scales, of speed and direction data
of the wind recorded at the stations of the meteorological network of the sucrose sector.
energetic. At network stations, the wind sensor is located at
10 m high above the surface, contrary to agroclimatic type stations,
in which the sensor is located at a height of 2 m. Burning programming
controlled agricultural operations is the reason for the location of the wind sensors
at agribusiness stations.
About the authors
Preciado Vargas, M.
Topographical Engineer graduated from the Universidad del Valle; She obtained her master's degree in engineering with an emphasis in Sanitary and Environmental Engineering from Universidad del Valle. She holds a doctorate in Engineering from the Universidad del Valle with a meritorious thesis. She has been a professor with an appointment at the Universidad del Valle since 2007. She has developed her research in the line of atmospheric metrics in the Quantum Optics Group and in the Spatial Dynamics Modeling Group of the Universidad del Valle. She has experience as director in extension projects developed at the School of Civil and Geomatic Engineering. She is currently director of the Geomatics Engineering program.
Peña Quiñones, AJ
Agricultural Engineer, graduated from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the National University of Colombia, Palmira campus, obtained his master's degree in Sciences, Meteorology area, at the Faculty of Sciences of the National University of Colombia, Bogotá campus and his doctorate in Biological Engineering and Agricultural at Washington State University, in the United States. With more than 20 years of experience in the practice of Agroclimatology and more than 40 published articles, he was linked between 2018 and 2020 to the Cenicaña Agronomy Program and is currently an associate researcher at the Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation (AGROSAVIA) in the La Libertad Research Center, in the city of Villavicencio.
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- Cauca River Valley. 2. Climatology. 3. Atmospheric pressure. 4. Atmospheric currents. 5. Automated Meteorological Network.
Preciado V., M.. &; Peña Quiñónez, AJ (2023). Surface air flow in the Cauca River valley. In: Colombian Sugarcane Research Center (Ed). Sugar cane agroindustry in Colombia. Cinderella