Colciencias recognizes researcher from Cenicaña

Jorge Ignacio Victoria Kafure, director of the Cenicaña Varieties Program, was distinguished with the Researchers Emeritus 2016 award, delivered on November 30 in Bogotá

For his trajectory, contributions and scientific-academic production to science, technology and innovation in the country, Colciencias awarded the recognition 'Researcher Emeritus 2016' to Dr. Jorge Ignacio Victoria Kafure, director of the Varieties Program of the Caña de la Caña Research Center. Sugar from Colombia, Cenicaña.

Jorge Ignacio Victoria is a native of the municipality of Tuluá. He is an agronomist from the National University, Palmira campus; M.Sc. in Plant Pathology and Breeding from Cornell University, USA; and Ph.D in Phytopathology and Bacteriology, from the University of Wisconsin, USA.

Dr. Victoria joined Cenicaña in 1981 and since then has led research that has contributed to the development of the Colombian agribusiness, through the Cenicaña Colombia (CC) varieties.

“Between 1979-1983, the diseases of coal, coffee rust and mosaic produced great economic losses in many sugarcane producing countries. With the system developed by the Center for the sanitary management of these diseases, no Colombian grower had losses as a result of them; then Cenicaña made disease resistant varieties of cane available to the sugar sector, with which it could replace those susceptible ”, he recalls.

Under his guidance, the Research Center has developed varieties for the dry, humid and foothills of the Cauca river valley, and with his knowledge and experience he has also contributed to the training of new professionals: he was a teacher at the Universidad del Valle, the Escuela Graduate ICA-Universidad Nacional and Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Palmira campus, he directed more than 20 undergraduate, master's and doctoral theses and has published articles in national and international scientific journals.

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1 comment on “Colciencias recognizes Cenicaña researcher”

  1. Wilson Alberto Roa Diaz

    Congratulations to Dr. Victoria. Together with the other Cenicaña scientists, technicians and farmers, he has made the Colombian sugar industry a world reference point. In good time this deserved recognition to a man who has taught us so much. A very affectionate greeting!

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