Climatic zones of the Cauca river valley *

Enrique Cortés B., Héctor A. Chica R., Andrés J. Peña Q.

What determines the climate of the Cauca river valley?

How are different climatic zones determined in the same region?

From the data recorded for 26 years by the Automated Meteorological Network (RMA) a grouping was made between meteorological variables with homogeneous behavior.

Monthly values


  • Air temperature
  • RH
  • Temperature swing
  • Global radiation


  • Precipitation

What are the climatic zones of the Cauca River Valley?

The intensity of the gray tones defines the scale from higher (darker) to lower (lighter) for each variable. 


Global radiation: direct radiation (that which falls on a surface directly from the sun) + diffuse radiation (that which arrives after being reflected or is emitted by the molecules after being heated by the absorption effect of solar radiation).


Additional information on climate analysis can be consulted in the Cenicaña library and through there is access to climate data registered by the RMA.

* Cauca River Valley: VRC

Enrique Cortés B., Meteorologist, M.Sc., Héctor A. Chica R., Biometrist, M.Sc., Andrés J. Peña Q. Climatologist, Ph.D.

Information Letter | JUL 2019: 10-11  PDF version 

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