Science: opportunity for agribusiness to make efficient use of water

Cenicaña participates in the international seminar organized by Tecnicaña, in order to generate spaces for discussion and technical debates around one of the most sensitive topics of agriculture

The Colombian sugarcane agribusiness has tools to make efficient use of water, thanks to the research carried out jointly by growers, sugar mills and Cenicaña.

With that message, the director of the Research Center, Álvaro Amaya, invited attendees to the International Seminar 'Tools for Sustainable Management of Water Resources to face variability and climate change' to be protagonists of the sustainable development of the cane agroindustry of sugar.

Thanks to this research, today the productive sector has irrigation technologies that have contributed to reducing the volume of water used in the cultivation of sugarcane by up to 50%, and progress is being made in the development of more efficient varieties in the use of the resource. hydric. "There is a technological path ahead, but we continue to have an important challenge with our natural resources," said the Director of the Center.

During the event, Luis Guillermo Murillo, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, presented the government's strategic lines for the conservation of water resources and highlighted the role of growers and mills in the goal set by Colombia in the Paris Agreement: reduce the 20 % of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

Luis Fernando Londoño, president of Asocaña, highlighted the efforts made by the sector in this regard, through initiatives such as the Water for Life and Sustainability Fund, the Water Table, bioethanol production and energy cogeneration.

"We believe we are contributing to that commitment. Count on Cenicaña's cultivators, wits, technicians and researchers. This entity is a patrimony of all Colombians, because it is not only the development of varieties, but also of best practices in the field, of the use of water and of caring for the environment ”, he pointed out.

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