Technology market characterization

Cenicaña bases its communication and transfer strategies on a technological development model that adopts the principles of social marketing to meet with technological solutions the demands of the population constituted by cane and sugar producers located in the Cauca River Valley.

Between 1995 and 2001, the project "Study of the client of the new Cenicaña technology" was carried out, through which the socioeconomic characteristics of the cane and sugar producers and the productive structure of the units under their administration were identified.

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The methodology included a census of the producer population and its subsequent segmentation into homogeneous groups (typification) using the level of technology diffusion (% of planted area) as a classification criterion. Finally, with a representative number of producers, the basic characterization of the technological situation of the productive sector was specified and complemented.
Based on the results of the characterization, Cenicaña institutionalized a series of transfer methodologies that currently contribute to ordering the participation of the different actors in the agro-industry technological development system. The basic characterization is complemented with synthesis studies and dynamic monitoring of technical change, defined as periodic market monitoring and marketing evaluation strategies.
The dynamic monitoring studies are carried out through surveys and direct interviews with the producers who participate in the Network of Technology Transfer Groups established through cooperation agreements between Cenicaña and nine sugar mills. The information obtained systematically feeds the sectoral technological development processes.
Marketing-oriented technology development model
The marketing-oriented technology development model integrates research and transfer actions into an orderly system through which it seeks to articulate the perspectives and action of Cenicaña and the productive sector to contribute to the dynamics of the continuous improvement cycle in favor of the agro-industrial sustainability.
The actions begin with the identification of the technological needs defined by the manifest demand of the cane growers and the sugar mills. For this purpose, Cenicaña periodically updates the census of technology users and conducts adoption studies, basic characterization, and dynamic monitoring, mechanisms that are complemented with meetings of focus groups, committees, opinions of leaders, and regular analysis and strategic planning exercises.
Once the problem is known, the alternative technological solutions are identified, which are given by the offer of knowledge, services, practices and technical products available in Cenicaña to be transferred, and by the needs of basic, applied and agricultural and industrial technological research .
By analyzing the supply / demand relationship, the priorities for research and technology transfer are defined and the corresponding projects are formulated, executed and socialized according to their nature.
The adoption and impact of the use of technologies in agribusiness are periodically studied in order to feed back the system with reliable and updated information on the productive reality.

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