Cenicaña, recognized for her research in Entomology

The Colombian Society of Entomology (Socolen) awarded him the 2017 Hernán Alcaráz Viecco National Entomology Prize for work Geostatistics applied to a preventive sampling method for the management of Diatraea spp., presented by a group of researchers from Cenicaña.

The work was presented by Gerson D. Ramírez, Germán A. Vargas and Claudia Eccheverri, all from the Entomology area, and Fabio Herrera, linked to the Geomatics area.

Likewise, in the Hermano Apolinar María award, category 'Natural Option', Cenicaña obtained first place with the work Strips of natural vegetation: strategy to promote ant conservation and connectivity in sugar cane landscapes. Authors: Leonardo Fabio Rivera (Cenicaña), Kimberly Navarro-Vélez and Inge Armbrecht (Univalle).

Work Spatio-temporal distribution of Diatraea spp. in the Cauca river valley, presented by Samy Andrés Leyton, Marisol Gordillo (Universidad Autónoma de Occidente) and Germán Vargas (Cenicaña), was also recognized with third place in the Hernán Alcaráz Viecco National Entomology Award.

The recognitions were delivered during the 44th Congress of the Society, which took place between July 5 and 7 in Bogotá. At this event, Cenicaña took 6 new research works in the area of ​​Entomology.

Cenicaña Entomology area work team.



