Cenicana.org: web newsletter
The doctor. Freddy Garcés, CEO of Cenicaña, introduces the main topics developed in this newsletter.

Valle del Cauca installs Agroclimatic Technical Table (MTA) to help mitigate the effects of climate change in the region
On Thursday, December 10, the Secretariat of Environment, Agriculture and Fisheries of the Government of Valle del Cauca, with the support of the Sugarcane Research Center

Presentation of Phoenix results and projections
Cenicaña presents the new stage of the Sustainability Project. Next, the recording of the event that took place on December 1, 2020.

Cenicaña inspires future Valle del Cauca programmers
On November 16, the Research Center hosted ICT Mission 2022: the Government's commitment to expand employment and growth opportunities in Colombia. He
Experimental plots
Incauca and Cenicaña work together on 28,8 hectares that they have converted into experimental plots. What is sought with this initiative?
Sustainability project
In this new stage, the Fénix program evolves hand in hand with Cenicaña. Its name changes to "Sustainability Projects".
POJ 2878, 100 years from its obtaining
Cenicaña joined the celebration of the Indonesian Sugar Research Institute (ISRI) and in this way recognizes the contribution of this variety in our agribusiness.
A new ingenuity joins our mission
The manager of the Ingenio del Occidente, Maurice Armitage, visited the Cenicaña Experimental Station, this was the message he left us on his visit.
Driven Technologies
Technology Transfer Groups
Jul-Dec 2020
Webinar Series
Memories, Jul-Dec 2020

Socialization of the regulatory framework for the reconversion of wells in Valle del Cauca
Asocaña, Cenicaña and Procaña promote the conversion of wells in Valle del Cauca. For this purpose, the regulatory framework of the subject was disseminated with sugar mills and growers.

Colombian rusts, their diversity, importance and new records, Sep 25, 2020
During the Webinar, we will talk about: Generalities of the Order Pucciniales, a tour will be taken through the history of collectors and phytopathologists who study the Order. Then, we will talk about the diversity of this

Discussion: Challenges of Agriculture in Times of Pandemic and Climate Change, Jul 17, 2020
The Colombian Association of Plant Breeding and Crop Production invites you to participate in this discussion. The central theme of the conversation is based on the new strategies and challenges that agriculture has.

How to improve the sanitary quality of the seed during its production ?, Jul 10, 2020
During the Webinar, we will talk about: Agricultural systems behave as complex systems, in which the interactions of the different physical, economic, environmental, biological and social elements generate properties

Microbiology applied to production processes in the sugar and alcohol agroindustry: Sugar production, Jul 8, 2020
During the Webinar, we will talk about: Generalities of sugarcane processing for the production of sugar, ethanol, electrical energy and composting. Microorganisms associated with sugarcane processing
Sweet science pills
Series: seed
In Cenicaña we continue to celebrate the Year of Plant Health #VegetableHealth # IAISV2020 #SweetSciencePills
Hydrological monitoring II
Amalia Morales, from Asobolo, and Fanny Hoyos, from Cenicaña, tell us how hydrological monitoring is progressing in the Aguaclara sub-basin, Bolo River basin.
#Tips for farmers
content created for mobile devices
Water management
Soil management