Cenicana.org: web newsletter
MAY-JUN 2020
Sweet science pills
biological control by conservation
Video I and II
alcohol production
Video I and II
sugar crystals
Video I
Webinar Series
Memories, May-Jun 2020

Obtaining cultivars of Capsicum spp. Resistant to Phytophthora capsici Leonian, Jun 26, 2020
During the Webinar, we will talk about: Introgression of resistance genes to Phythopthora capsici from wild Capsicum germplasm into commercial varieties of peppers until resistant varieties of peppers are obtained.

Introduction to the processing and analysis of satellite images using Google Earth Engine (GEE), Jun 24, 2020
During the Webinar, we will talk about: Images for monitoring vegetation.

Interpretation analysis of soil and leaf tissue, Jun 17, 2020
During the Webinar, we will talk about: Soil analysis Foliar tissue analysis Interpretation of analyzes (soils and foliar)

Borehole damage assessment, Jun 11, 2020
During the Webinar, we will talk about: Economic importance of borers. Pest assessment methods. Control of borers.

Importance of soil carbon forms for sustainable management in sugarcane cultivation systems, Jun 10, 2020
During the Webinar, we will talk about: Conceptualizing the forms of carbon in the soil. Methods for laboratory determination. Results associated with the management of crop residues.

Phenomics and Genomics Tools, key strategies to accelerate the genetic gain of crops, Jun 5, 2020
During the Webinar, we will talk about: Development of biofortified corn: classical improvement molecular and biochemical tools. Natalia Palacios (CIMMYT). McGill phenomics platform: increasing the resolution of complex trait breeding.Valerio

Physiology of sugarcane, Jun 03, 2020
During the Webinar, we will talk about: Components of TCH productivity, growth and training. Sucrose accumulation dynamics.

Introduction to UAV image processing, Jul 1, 2020
During the Webinar, we will talk about: Introduction to Image Processing. Derivative products with images obtained with UAV. Project: Furrowing and Depopulation Lines with images
courses May-Jun 2020
Tools - web

Geoportal: support tool for crop management. HWeb | M1.

economic analysis
Indeterminate losses

Thermal losses. PIder | M2.

Investment losses. PIder | M3.

Physical losses. PIder | M4.
#Tips for farmers
content created for mobile devices
Water management
Soil management
variety renewal