Cenicana.org: web newsletter
Cenicaña's Message
The general director, Dr. Freddy Garcés, shares a reflection on the progress made in 2021 and the projection for the future: 2021 annual report
Cenicaña Notes
Learn about the experience of Mónica Barona, Pedro Nel González, Jair Piedrahita and John Jairo Correa in the adoption of new varieties of sugarcane, the implementation of pilot centers, the use of the Ceniprof tool in factory processes and the link to the Program Integra.
Ceniclima App
The Colombian sugarcane agribusiness, through Cenicaña, presents a tool for growers in the region to rely on weather forecasts in their area of influence to plan cultivation tasks and, in this way, advance in actions to reduce the risk of negative impacts derived from climate variability.
Two molecular markers associated with sucrose accumulation were used to validate genotyping techniques. Targeted sequencing techniques have shown promise for identifying markers in the sugarcane polyploid genome.
Ceniprof 3.0: simulate your processes and stimulate change
Cenicristal 2.0: web tool for the sugarcane agribusiness
On September 23, 2021, the software was made available on the Cenicaña website Ashtray version 2.0, a new tool with a web focus that allows to analyze and characterize the size of the crystal present in the various samples of the cane sugar crystallization process.
Weather and seasonal forecast
Agroclimatic service:
- Daily Bulletin: Precipitation and Temperature
- Weekly Bulletin: Precipitation
- Monthly bulletin: seasonal forecast for the Cauca river valley
- ENSO follow-up bulletin: LA NIÑA
The value of our people (corporate video)
The Cauca River Valley is a naturally sweet territory. Its people, its traditions, its landscapes and its history smell and taste like cane… Here, in 1977, mills and growers came together to build the dream of the Colombian Sugar Cane Research Center.