1 sep 2021

Cenicana.org: web newsletter

New agroclimatic service:

Weather and seasonal forecast:


AgroClimate Service

Enrique Cortés, former meteorologist from Cenicaña, and Mery Fernández, today coordinator of the Cenicaña Agroclimatic Service, remind us of the importance of the Automated Meteorological Network for the sugarcane agribusiness and what the Research Center offers from the collection and analysis of regional climate data.

Car lab

Ethanol injection to turbo diesel engines

In our search for alternative uses of ethanol made from sugar cane, in 2019 Cenicaña, with the support of the mills, began to evaluate ethanol produced in agribusiness as a partial substitute for fuel in diesel engines.

In this evaluation we verified that the ethanol used as an oxygenator at the air intake to the engine can offer environmental and economic advantages.

Since 2020 we are conducting tests of greater intensity on the roads of the region. Learn more about this project.

New development for

Experimentation in mechanical harvesting

In order to enable mechanical harvesting in experimental lots, Cenicaña advanced in the development and construction of a self-turning wagon with a weighing system.

With this development, in addition to weighing the trials harvested with a mechanical harvester, data will also be obtained on the response of the new varieties to this practice and the process of taking experimental data will be streamlined, improving efficiency and simplifying the process of harvesting experiments.

New project

The panelera chain in Cauca is strengthened

Cenicaña is linked to a project funded by the New Zealand Government and led by the Corporation for the Sustainability of the Palo River Sub-basin, Corpopalo, which will benefit the community of the Dominguillo district, in Santander de Quilichao, Cauca.


Data, facts and testimonies about the varietal alternatives that have excelled in regional tests, how their adoption is being promoted, and how renewal plans are projected in the agribusiness.


Available for consultation in the 2020 Annual Report

Learn about the main advances and achievements in science, technology and innovation of Cenicaña during 2020, and how they contribute to the competitiveness and sustainability of the agribusiness. The Report also includes reflections from industry leaders and a selection of photographs with which we acknowledge that permanent relationship between mills and growers, which is strengthened year after year with research, services and information.

Driven Technologies

Next events

Schedule to participate

Sep 2021

Sweet science pills

CO2 and sugar cane

They have explained to us that sugar cane is an alternative that, when well cultivated, contributes to the decrease in the concentration of COin the atmosphere.
But do we know why?



Relive these Sweet science pills episode 1 y episode 2  and share them so that more people know about the cultivation of sugar cane.


Integra program

Stories that
